
Archive for the ‘royal family’ Category

Britian’s Prince William’s use of a military aircraft to visit his girlfriend, Kate Middleton, has let to a Royal Navy fly-past being scrapped.

The fly-past was due to take place to mark the return the Royal Navy flagship HMS Ark Royal to Portsmouth, however it has now been cancelled amid fears the public may view the stunt as a “waste of taxpayers’ money”.

The decision came to light after an official email from the navy’s Fleet headquarters was accidentally linked to Portsmouth’s local newspaper, The News.

The email said: “With regard to the fly-past – taking into account the recent coverage of Chinooks and Princes and naive publicity stunts that waste taxpayers’ money – I would strongly advise that you do not do this.”

waste of taxpayers’ money

Prince William was widely criticised earlier this year when he used a Chinock helicopter to visit his girlfriend and then to fly to the Isle of Wight for a stag party with his brother Prince Harry.

Officials had planned for Ark Royal’s commanding officer Capt John Clink’s brother, Adam, to fly the Harrier overhead when the ship arrived at the port.

The email continued: “I do think it is a great story – and when the Naval Strike Wing embark with Adam we should milk it for all it is worth – but the fly-past at this stage has a serious chance of backfiring.”

It also warned the public would “have a field day” if the plan went ahead.A Fleet spokesman said: “Fleet Headquarters did advise that the fly-past carried a serious risk of back-firing if there was taxpayers’ money being wasted.”The Ark Royal has returned to Portsmouth following a seven-week period spent working with the US navy in Florida.

(Text and Foto by femalefirst)

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Britain’s Queen Elizabeth’s bodyguards are to start patrolling the grounds of her Scottish residence on mountain bikes.

The guards usually drive around Balmoral in Range Rovers – often referred to as ‘gaz guzzlers’ became they use so much petrol – but officials have decided to swap to push bikes because they are more eco-friendly.

A source told Britain’s The Sun newspaper: “Wherever possible the grounds are being patrolled by officers on black mountain bikes.

“They are delighted – they’re slashing the fuel bill and getting a good workout as well.”

Wherever possible the grounds are being patrolled by officers on black mountain bikes.

Bodyguards continually roam around the 50,000 acre estate – where the queen traditionally spends her summer – to ensure no intruders break in.

This is not the first time officials have tried to make the estate a more environmentally zone.

The boiler in the main castle runs on wood chips instead of oil and Prince Charles has reportedly experimented with using energy from water from the River Dee to help cut electricity costs.


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